Tulip Magic Services

Reiki | Energy Healing

Rest & relax with Reiki to reset your nervous system, rejuvenate your cells, and quiet the mind with universal life force energy.

Distance Reiki sessions - no place in the world is too far! Reiki will be sent to you where you’re at without you having to do anything except receive it!

In-person appointments within the Bay Area.

Card Reading | Intuitive Guidance

Ask a question from the Universe! Receive an expanded perspective on the answer with a personalized guidance plan on how to move forward.

A comprehensive summary of the 5-card tarot card pull. A PDF of the reading will be provided for your future & forever reference!

Appointments are 45 minutes.

1:1 Coaching | Soul Support

Private one-on-one life coaching & spiritual mentorship with Feng Shui influences to be the most empowered and aligned version of yourself.

Available in a one-month container with a discovery call, 4 x 90-minute private sessions, and voice message support in between sessions.

Available virtually or in-person.

Reiki Healing

Distance Reiki Healing Across Time & Space

“Reiki takes me to a place of peace where I can look into myself and finally relax,”

Bay Area Healing In-Person 1:1

  • Reiki is a hands-on healing technique channeling Universal Life Force Energy through the practitioner’s hands to the client’s body. The benefits of Reiki are to feel better, calmer, and more relaxed.

    As a Reiki Level I & II Practitioner, my hands have been attuned to bring the energy into the client’s body where ever it is needed during the session.

    The Reiki energy vitalizes the body’s cells and can help bring peace and serenity to the physical body and mind.

    For in-person sessions, clients lay fully clothed on the Reiki table. As the practitioner, my hands will be safely and gently placed over identified pattern points on the body.

    Clients may feel some heat or a slight change in temperature from the energy healing with the contact of the practitioner’s hands. This is completely normal.

  • Distance Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy sent across time and space.

    Virtual appointments will be live over Google Meet instead of in person. As a client, you will feel the energy of the session without the contact of hand placements on your physical body.

    The benefits of Reiki are the same as in-person - vitalizing the body’s cells to feel better, calmer, and more relaxed.

  • There is nothing you need to do during the session! It’s that easy. The healing energy of Reiki will find its way to your body - no matter how you show up to the session.

  • A beautiful benefit of Reiki is the “blissed-out”, calm, and peaceful state most clients feel after their session.

    Therefore, I will ask you to take your time to collect yourself before operating a moving vehicle, and not to make any high-stake decisions or sign any contracts immediately after the session.

    Since energy healing works with the water inside your body and cells, please drink a bit more water to re-hydrate yourself. Feeling thirsting after the session is completely normal.

  • Everything is energy - and the fact that Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy, it’s recommended as often as you feel it’s beneficial.

    For instance, as a practitioner I give myself Reiki every day to strengthen my practice and attunement.

    For new clients, if you feel your body and/or mind just needs a break from stress, anxiety, or adrenal fatigue - I highly recommend you to book a session as Reiki can provide immediate stress relief.

    For returning clients who have experienced Reiki before, I recommend you to trust your body to communicate when it’s time to book a session again.

    When you feel the call to feel more relaxed and blissed-out with Reiki - I look forward to serving you!

“Reiki gives me permission to take care of myself to reevaluate what’s important to put life in perspective.”

Intuitive Card Readings

Virtual readings are a 5-card spread of intuitive guidance with a summary of the insights and photos of the cards

—My Tarot Story—

I believe in FREE WILL - that you are your own healer, There are no predictions of the future or prophesying here. My card readings are energetic portals and sacred mirrors of information for you to choose what to do with. Everything is energy, so why not work with it to gain insight from the Universe?

I’ve always been a person who seeks answers to why certain things are happening/showing up in my life and how could I make them better. This has led me to a life dedicated to learning Tarot and working with Oracle Cards.

Card readings have provided me with divine guidance and soulful lessons to shed light and new perspectives in my life.

I am currently collaging my own tarot cards! To gauge interest, please sign up for a pre-order!